Nafees Group of
Companies is not focused on only one field; they are diversified in different
businesses and launched different products and services.Now Nafees Group of
Companies have acquired many domestic and international companies and working
in different fields. Nafees Group of Companies are also working with many
International firms and expanding their business around the globe very rapidly.
“Provides solution of every problem and
give new Glance to your Idea"
Nafees Group of
Companies has many production factories in Pakistan and also outside the
Pakistan. More than 100 employees working for Nafees Group of Companies
Nafees Group of Companies is not name of a company, it is
brand. Nafees Group of Companies is zeal, a desire to grow, serve and
excel. Its success story is carved by untiring hard work, dedication and
adherence of its team members to its cause. For our clients Nafees Group of
Companies is a name which stands for its commitment, customer care, integrity,
product knowledge, trouble free services and competitive prices.
All this have been achievable with the grace of Almighty Allah,
prayers of our parents and untiring hard work of Nafees Group of Companies team
members. All of the team members are thankful to their clients, suppliers,
partners for their complete faith on Nafees Group of Companies. Our mission is
to develop an everlasting as well as blossoming relationship with our
clientele. Nafees Group of Companies strongly believe that only by offering a
wide range of products of good quality and by exquisite customer care we will
be in a mutually beneficial bonding with our customers leading all stake
holders to success.
Mr. Muhammad Nafees is the CEO of Nafees Group of Companies.
He joined the family business in 1997 after successful completion of business
graduation from PIMSET University.
Nafees Group of Companies has witnessed immense growth under his
leadership and investments have been made in the import export, trade,
manufacturing, packaging, logistics, investments, warehousing, brokerage,
fertilizer, sugar, and energy and mining sectors.
of Nafees Group of Companies